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Tag Archives: Lori Whitlock

Some Berry Exciting News!

amelia-design-team-350Hi all!  Today is the big Design Team announcement over at Amelia & Me Crafts and my mug is part of the lucky crafty talent.  I am super excited to be on this team since it is a blog/online store that is dedicated for Silhouette Cameo and American Crafts product lovers obsessed. Yes, they are an authorized retailer for both Silhouette and American Crafts products!   Does it get any better than that?  Head over and meet this amazing group of talent and see what amazing products are available!  Also be sure to LIKE them on FACEBOOK!  You will not want to miss all the fun happening over there!

Since we are on the subject of my love for my Silhouette and being on a team that celebrates all that is wonderful about that amazing piece of crafty engineering, here is how I dressed up some homemade jam I made yesterday from strawberries we hand picked on Monday with my kiddos for my youngest birthday.  I thought it would be a fun way to give thank you notes to those who have shared in celebrating with a very special little lady turning four with the strawberries she picked.


All I did was break down Lori Whitlock’s Circle Banner (can be found via Silhouette store) and add color and a cute sentiment. I then used the pint and cut feature, added a button and some CTMH burlap twine and cute fabric and called it done! The hardest part to all of this was making the jam!


Thanks for sharing a piece of “berry good news” pie with me!

Linking Up To:

Gotta Create

The Real Thing

Everyday is an Occasion 

DL ART Thankful Thursday for August

Congrats Grad!


Happy Wednesday All!  We are rockin’ and rolln’ over here in Southern California this morning with the 5.0 earthquake that hit our coast.  I did not feel it since I was on my morning walk, but those always bring on a bit of a buzz among the local folks.

Today over at Decorate to Celebrate, we are kicking off a new challenge with the theme of Graduation.  Whether if it is your little squirt graduating Kindergarten or your kiddo graduating Medical School, it is cause for celebration and we would love to have you LINK up your project to share.


The design team has some great inspirations to kick off this challenge and this is what I made for my nephew who is graduation High School tomorrow!  This is the last of the four boys my brother-in-law and sister-in-law have to walk across the High School podium.  My nephew’s gift is music and he was honored with the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award this year, so I used that as a thread to my theme for his banner.


I cut the base of the banner using my Cricut (had to dust that baby off a bit).  The cart was Country Life cut at 7 inches. I found some cool Lori Whitlock rosettes via the Silhouette Store and I cut those out at 2.8 inches.  The musical notes were a cut from the Silhouette Store as well.   Using some Heidi Swapp Gold Lame Color Shine, I added some shine to the base of the banners. Added some washi tape I got from Paper Issues and Pick Your Plum, I called it done!


Now be sure to head over and check out all the great inspirations the design team has and LINK up your fun Graduation project!

Thanks for sharing a piece of  “hats off to the Grad” pie with me.

Teachers vs Cootie Monsters!


Happy Wednesday!  Today over at Decorate to Celebrate do you have a fun challenge that will help bring smiles to educators!  It is a teacher gifts or classroom party challenge.  How perfect is that?  It is getting to the end of the year and many of you all will have to start coming up with ideas for your kiddo’s teacher and class room celebrations!  The design team has a ton of amazing inspirations to glean ideas from!


Here is what I cooked up.  I am a 100% germ-a-phobe.  I think being so sick for all nine months during both of my pregnancies made it worse, so the thought of the stomach flu hitting our house just sends me into the fetal position.  Having teacher friends that teach in elementary school settings, they are about as bad as me, so I decided that any teacher of small children would love to receive this instead of the traditional apple.


This was actually so easy to make! I cut down some designer paper from Stampin’ Up and used my ATG to adhere it to the bottle of hand sanitizer.  I then took some ribbon and wrapped it around the bottle and used a Glue Dot to fasten it to the front of the bottle. Now for the fun part!  Heading over the the Silhouette Store, I found this Lori Whitlock tag (Circle Banner) with the pennants on it.  I changed up the size to be around 3 inches around and changed up the colors of the tag layers and pennants.  I then added the little saying I made up using  a font I found at the Silhouette Store.  I grouped together everything and printed out on my color printer and then cut out on my Silhouette!


How easy was that? You could whip out a ton of these babies in no time flat!  Head over to DTC and check out the inspirations and LINK up your own teacher gift/class room party idea!  I can’t wait to see what you have cooked up!

Thanks for sharing a piece of “keeping the cootie monsters at bay” pie with me!

Linking Up To:

Everyday is an Occasion: Sunday Funday

The Real Thing – Real Family Fun 14

Gotta Create – Wildly Original Linking Party! 

April Showers Bring Rainbow Smiles!


Happy Monday all!  Today over at Fantabulous Cricut, we have a new challenge on deck!  April showers using an umbrella.   Sadly, I don’t see much rain since I live in the ever sunny Southern California, but when we do see rain we normally see rainbows, which always make me smile!  That was my inspiration for this week’s challenge.


This card was super fun to make! It is a 6×6.5 inch card. The base card stock is from Stampin’ Up and the inked edges is from Close to My Heart Slate stamp ink.  I had both my Circut and Silhouette sharing duties.  I found the cloud cut over at the Silhouette store by Lori Whitlock.  I cut it twice, inked the edges and stamped the sentiment using Scrappy Moms Kids Incorporated stamp set. I used Pop Dots to add height to the layers.


For the umbrellas I cut each from Cricut cartridge, Everyday Pop-Up Cards at 1.5 inches using Recollection Bright card stock.  I then ran them through the Cuttlebug using Cuttlebug embossing boarders.  I added different heights using Pop Dots.  Using mini Glue Dots, I added Dew Drops, from Robin’s Nest and Skittles.


This is going to be a hard card to let go, since it truly makes me smile.  Now be sure to head over to FCCB and see the other amazing inspirations that the rest of the design team has cookn’ and link up your April Showers and umbrella project using at least ONE Cricut cut.

Thanks for sharing a piece of “who does not smile when they see rainbows” pie with me.

DIY Doll Wardrobe

Check out the video to see an up close and personal tour of these fun filled doll wardrobe.

Happy Sunday All!  I can’t believe NEXT Sunday will be Easter! Wow time is flying by and I guess it feels that way since I have been very busy in my craft room and in the hub’s workshop cookn’ up some fun playtime goodies for our two little girls.



A while ago we decided we needed to make something that would hold all the dolls and doll swag our little girls are starting to accumulate.  I wanted it to be interactive as well as organized storage.  The hubs and I sat down started to design a concept.  We came up with a design, made a blueprint and headed to the wood store.


It has taken a few weekends to knock out these two pieces, but we had a blast doing it.  We still have a large drawer to make and that is soon to be in the mix of construction. DSC_6096


I had a blast putting my Silhouette to work and cutting out vinyl and transferring it onto sections of these structures, spray painting and peeling off.  I found the cuts at the Silhouette store from Samantha Walker and Lori Whitlock.  DSC_6097


Thanks for sharing a piece of “love DIY” projects with the hubs!

Linking Up To:

Gotta Create – Wildly Original Linking Party

The Real Thing- Link Party
I Heart Naptime- Link Party