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Congrats Grad!


Happy Wednesday All!  We are rockin’ and rolln’ over here in Southern California this morning with the 5.0 earthquake that hit our coast.  I did not feel it since I was on my morning walk, but those always bring on a bit of a buzz among the local folks.

Today over at Decorate to Celebrate, we are kicking off a new challenge with the theme of Graduation.  Whether if it is your little squirt graduating Kindergarten or your kiddo graduating Medical School, it is cause for celebration and we would love to have you LINK up your project to share.


The design team has some great inspirations to kick off this challenge and this is what I made for my nephew who is graduation High School tomorrow!  This is the last of the four boys my brother-in-law and sister-in-law have to walk across the High School podium.  My nephew’s gift is music and he was honored with the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award this year, so I used that as a thread to my theme for his banner.


I cut the base of the banner using my Cricut (had to dust that baby off a bit).  The cart was Country Life cut at 7 inches. I found some cool Lori Whitlock rosettes via the Silhouette Store and I cut those out at 2.8 inches.  The musical notes were a cut from the Silhouette Store as well.   Using some Heidi Swapp Gold Lame Color Shine, I added some shine to the base of the banners. Added some washi tape I got from Paper Issues and Pick Your Plum, I called it done!


Now be sure to head over and check out all the great inspirations the design team has and LINK up your fun Graduation project!

Thanks for sharing a piece of  “hats off to the Grad” pie with me.

About apieceoflifespie

I am a stay at home domestic engineer that has a love for my family, food, writing, crafting, photography and most of all a clean and orderly house. I feel I was born in the wrong era in many things and the only thing I would change if I was a "Donna Reed or June Cleaver" kind of mom is that I would still get to wear my sweats and Crocs while washing the windows.

10 responses »

  1. Arin, That looks great!!! It is perfect. Thanks so much for making this for us. Josh will be so surprised. Thanks again.

  2. Fabulous banner Erin!


  3. This is fabulous, Arin!! I love the design and how you used the music theme!! Just awesome!! Happy Wednesday 🙂

  4. What a fabulous banner – love the colours and those rosettes and use of the washi tape!! TFS

  5. Glad you guys are safe from the earthquake. My oldest daughter is in San Diego. They have not felt any tremors down there. Love this fabulous banner. The colors are so pretty!

  6. Holy smokes..I would be sooooo scared! We had them in Alaska when we lived there and the terrified me. So glad I do not live there anymore! Glad you are safe!
    Your banner is super cute! All the cuts are so fabulous and what awesome colors:) Greatjob and congrats to your nephew!
    Sherrie K

  7. Beautiful banner. I love the colors you used. Have a great day.

  8. Your banner came out perfect Arin I love the colors you used —-and washi tape how fun
    DIANA L.

  9. Did I comment on this one already?? I can’t remember, I may have fallen behind again…anyway LOVELY banner, great use of the washi & incorporating the music theme!!! 😉


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