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Tag Archives: vinyl

Baby Got Subway Art!


Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today a new challenge kicks off over at Decorate to Celebrate and the theme is B-A-B-Y Showers!   Sadly I am at a place in my life where my circle of friends are not having first babies, which means NO showers to attend, throw or dream about.  But that does not mean there are not babies to snuggle, smell and love on.  It just means the multiple children effect is happening and our type of showers are now thrown in the hospital room during visiting hours or at their home when you bring them a meal and a small gift . . . so you can hold the baby! 🙂


I made this for a dear friend who just celebrated the “birth day” of her #5 !  I am hoping I can trade this and a meal for a sweet babe snuggle time party!

Thanks to my Silhouette Cameo, this was a snap to make.  I created the subway art using various fonts and positions and then made sure all were outside cuts and grouped together.  I then cut it out on vinyl I scored from Pick Your Plum!  I burnished it on transfer tape and then burnished on to the finished canvas.


For the canvas, I wanted to do some bright colors that did not scream B-A-B-Y!  I painted the canvas bright yellow and then found a Silhouette  chevron cut file!   I cut that on standard white 12×12 card stock and then using a sponge, I sponged the red paint on the canvas using the chevron cut as a stencil.   Once that was finished and dried, I headed down to the hubs workshop and hit canvas with a power sander to dull and distress.  Once that was done, I added the vinyl.


Now be sure to head over to Decorate to Celebrate and check out the fun inspirations the design team has cooked up (word has it, we have some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G guest designers this challenge) and LINK up your fun Baby Shower project!

Thanks for sharing a piece of “babies make you want to decorate to celebrate” pie with me!

DIY Doll Wardrobe

Check out the video to see an up close and personal tour of these fun filled doll wardrobe.

Happy Sunday All!  I can’t believe NEXT Sunday will be Easter! Wow time is flying by and I guess it feels that way since I have been very busy in my craft room and in the hub’s workshop cookn’ up some fun playtime goodies for our two little girls.



A while ago we decided we needed to make something that would hold all the dolls and doll swag our little girls are starting to accumulate.  I wanted it to be interactive as well as organized storage.  The hubs and I sat down started to design a concept.  We came up with a design, made a blueprint and headed to the wood store.


It has taken a few weekends to knock out these two pieces, but we had a blast doing it.  We still have a large drawer to make and that is soon to be in the mix of construction. DSC_6096


I had a blast putting my Silhouette to work and cutting out vinyl and transferring it onto sections of these structures, spray painting and peeling off.  I found the cuts at the Silhouette store from Samantha Walker and Lori Whitlock.  DSC_6097


Thanks for sharing a piece of “love DIY” projects with the hubs!

Linking Up To:

Gotta Create – Wildly Original Linking Party

The Real Thing- Link Party
I Heart Naptime- Link Party