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DIY Postcards


Happy Almost 4th!  Today is my lucky day to showcase a fun project I made using Lawn Fawn Stamp Set – So Much to Say and my trusty and I do mean trusty Xryon Mega Runner, that is up on the Xyron blog today. (Side note: I have used several Advanced Tape Guns and the Xyron Mega Runner is by far the BEST I have ever used- No fuss in the refill process and strong adhesive – I think I am in love!)

DIY Postcard

It is summer and if any of your are like me, you are in a fun whirl-wind of road trip travels, camping and kiddo camps. Since I have a 1st grader and a Kindergartner, I wanted to drag along some postcards they could practice their writing share their adventures with family and friends.  I needed these to be bigger than the normal postcard due their giant chicken scratch  eagerness of being early writers, so these will take a normal postage stamp. These are a cinch to make and you can even have your kiddos help or make on their own.

Here is how I did it (full supply list at the end):

For the Front of the Postcard: I found blank white card stock quality cards at the local craft store with the measurements of 6.5 inches wide and 4.5 inches tall. Using a paper trimmer, cut down some desired design paper with the measurements of 6.25 inches wide and 4.25 inches tall.  I stamped the sentiment and image on the design paper.  Using Xyron Mega Runner, adhere the design paper to the plain white card stock.

DIY Postcard3

For the Back of the Postcard: Measure the card and find the middle. Using a ruler, draw a line using a Jelly Roll pen and added some dashes for interest.  I printed “To” on the right side and stamped a coordinating image from the front.

DIY Postcard1

I set up an “assembly line” and mass produced these in no time. You can go as simple or as detailed you want – keep in mind these are postcards and they need to be flush.

DIY Postcard2

Supply List: 

  • Lawn Fawn – So Much To Say stamp set
  • Xryon Mega Runner
  • Paper Trimmer
  • Recollections Chevron Paper
  • Recollections Blank White Cardstock Cards (6.5×4.5 inches)
  • Ruler
  • Black Jelly Roll Pen
  • Stamp Block
  • Stampin’ Up Ink (Classic Black and Pumpkin)
  • Close to My Heart Ink (Slate – used for the yellow card)

Happy 4th and Happy Summer!




About apieceoflifespie

I am a stay at home domestic engineer that has a love for my family, food, writing, crafting, photography and most of all a clean and orderly house. I feel I was born in the wrong era in many things and the only thing I would change if I was a "Donna Reed or June Cleaver" kind of mom is that I would still get to wear my sweats and Crocs while washing the windows.

4 responses »

  1. Very fun postcards, what a great idea!!! have a great 4th!!

  2. Very cute and creative, being a snail mailer I am always looking for new and different post cards.


  3. Crafty Aunt Dee

    What a cute idea for kids to send to their friends. Love it.

  4. such a good idea — and easy-peasey too


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