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Category Archives: Wreath {LOVE}

Fall Wreath {Love}

I know that I have said it time and time again that I absolutely LOVE fall, but I REALLY do.  This weekend I whipped out this rustic meets  sophisticated wreath that just oozes the essence of the season.  What is better than embracing my wreath making obsession with my {love} for fall, burlap and bling?!DSC_7282

Using burlap I found at Michales, I wrapped a straw wreath and added some fun floral embellishments I found on clearance. The bow was layered with some burlap ribbon.  I will have to say this is the first project I have ever done using hot glue where my fingerprints were spared!


Now that I still have my fingerprints intact, maybe I can cook up another festive fall wreath!

Thanks for sharing a piece of “love me some wreath makin'” pie with me.

Linking Up To:

Real Family Fun #35 

Everyday is an Occasion Sunday Funday #14


Link Party Palooza

Taking a Stab at Becoming a Prima Ribbonista with May Arts!

Happy weekend all!  Today I am posting in response to round one of May Art’s Design Team Call!  I am super excited about this call and have been waiting for opportunity ever since I spent some time at their booth at 2013 Winter CHA!  To be a Prima Ribbonista would be such an honor so I hope these below projects and tutorial catch their eye enough to advance me to the next round!  Fingers crossed and wish me luck!

Summer Ribbon Wreath Tutorial!

Materials Needed:

  • May Arts Ribbon
  • Wooden flat craft ring (found at any craft supply store)
  • Silk flowers
  • Baker’s Twine
  • Buttons
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Hot Glue
  • Tape
  • Scissors


Step 1: Wrapping Flat Wooden Ring – Using May Arts ribbon, tape end to the back of the wooden ring and begin to wrap. Once finished hot glue end.


Step 2: Assembling Silk Daises – First pull off stems and pop out plastic center.  Sew button onto the middle of the daisies using a tapestry needle and Baker’s Twine (a tapestry needed works best for pulling through the many layers of the silk flower).



Step 3: Assemble Wreath – Using a hot glue, arrange and attach each daisy to the bottom corner of the wreath.  Then add three coordinating buttons to the top corner for balance.


Step 4: Finishing Wreath – Using a 18-inch of coordinating ribbon, fold in half and loop over the top center of the wreath to form a slip knot. Tie at the top of the ribbon and trim ends.

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Now doesn’t this wreath just scream summer! I already have it hanging on my front door hoping it will encourage the sun to overpower our Southern California “June Gloom”.

Using ribbon in projects is like icing a cake.  It really finishes the projects and makes them truly appealing. Here are a few more projects where the ribbon certainly adds that needed W-O-W factor!




Thank you for taking a peek at my attempt to become a Prima Ribbonista!

Linking Up:

I Gotta Create- Link Party
Tatertots & Jello- Link party
Too Much Time on my Hands- Link party
I Heart Naptime- Link Party
Everyday is an Ocassion – Sunday Funday! 

Clothespin are for more than just Laundry!



Spring is in the air and what  better use for clothespins, other than hanging freshly laundered sheets, is making a bright, full of sparkle and cheery wreath using 3-D Enamel gels from Globecraft and Piccolo, glitter and washi tape!  I got this idea from one of my best blog buddies, Holly from Ribbons and Glue, and just have not got enough of making these things!  I feel like Bubba from Forest Gump…, “Clothespin wreaths with washi tape, Clothespin wreaths with glitter, clothespin wreaths with fabric, clothespin wreaths with Globecraft and Piccolo 3D Enamel Gel . . .”  I think you get my point, I want to make a million of these things and in my opinion the world could not have too many clothespin wreaths! 🙂

Materials Needed:

Step 1:  Prepping 6 inch hoop and clothespins Using white stamping ink and dauber, ink the full hoop to give a “white wash” appearance to it. Then ink the top and sides of the clothes pins for the same effect.  Set aside to set and dry (this should only take about 10 minutes).


Step 2:  Glittering tops of clothespins Separate out 14 clothespins and decide on how many clothespins go to each color of glitter.  In this project, (6)glitter colors were used and divided out (3)clothespins per the two lightest colored glitters and the remainder colors had (2)clothespins each.

Apply Art Glitter Designer Dries Clear Adhesive to the top of the clothespin, dust glitter over the adhesive, shake off the excess and set aside to set and dry.  Repeat for all 14 clothes pins.  The glitter clothespins will set in dry in about an hour.


Step 3: Applying  3D Enamel Gel to the tops of clothespins Using (6) of the inked clothespins apply Piccolo 3D Enamel Gel to the tops of the clothespins and set aside to set and dry.  For this project, two clothespins were assigned to each 3D enamel gel color.


Step 4: Adding the Washi Tape There should be 11 remaining inked clothespins.  Separate them out to the number of washi tape patterns you have.  In this project, there were five different washi tape patterns used.  (2) clothespins were used for four of the five patterns and for the last pattern, (3)clothespins were used.

Stick the washi tape to the top of the clothespin using the edge as a guide for setting.  Add pressure to stick. Cut and trim the ends and then trim down the side that has the excess washi tape.


Step 5: Assembling the Wreath This is clearly up to the crafters desire. This wreath was done in loose pattern of (1)washi tape, (2) glitter and (1) 3D enamel gel starting at the top and working clockwise down. Finish with looping 18 inches of 1 ½ inches of ribbon around the top and hang!



This fun, easy and fresh wreath will add a touch of spring to any door or mantel.  The 3D Enamel Gels are a great addition to a project like this since it really ads a whole new level of texture and pop among the pattern wahsi tape and the sparkle of the glitter.   Be sure to head over and check out my project using some new C-O-O-L product they have over at  Globecraft and Piccolo!  It is a MUST HAVE!




Everyday is an Occasion – Sunday Funday! 

Gotta Create- Wildly Original Linking Party! 

The Real Thing with the Coake Family – Real Family Fun

Craftin Desert Divas – Craft it Up  & Link it Up Party #4

I Heart Nap Time – Sundae Scoop Link Party

Navy Wife – Submarine Sundays Link Party 28

Angels Homestead – Saturday Spotlight

Paper Issues – It is Serendipity