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Tag Archives: ric-rack

Fantabulous Cricut Challenge “Get Organized Cricut Crawl!” and BLOG CANDY!

Yay!  Welcome to Fantabulous Cricut’s “Get Organized Cricut Crawl”!  If you came from Brianna ‘s fun project, then you are in the right place!  If you have just joined me, this fun challenge crawl starts HERE !  There are fun blog candy along the way and a fun challenge prize sponsored by FCCB!

Here’s how the Crawl will work

 1. The crawl will begin at FCCB. Participants will visit each Design Team member’s blog to view their FANTABULOUS projects. Participants may follow the provided links at each blog.  If you get lost along the way, you can always return to FCCB to follow the links to our Design Team members’ blogs.
2. There will be prizes along the way at some of the Design Team blogs, so be sure to check out the goodies up for grabs! *You must meet the Design Team members’ stated criteria to be eligible for the individual prizes. Please see each DT member’s blog for details and directions.*
3. There will also be one GRAND PRIZE at FCCB!! That prize will be awarded to a participant that meets the challenge criteria and posts a link to their project below, drawn randomly by Just like every other Challenge Me Monday.


In just a few hours we will be watching the ball drop and saying goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013!  One of my New Year’s resolutions is REALLY get organized!  I am a organized person, but with a busy schedule of having a three and four year old and as my crafty blog hobby grows, I find that time is NO longer on my side and refining some of my organization IS A MUST!

I since I am now on multiple design teams I really need to keep track of my deadlines.  The system of using my Iphone calendar was working, but just was not feeling right. I tend to be old school with calendars and my schedules, I need to be able to physically write it down and see everything at one glance.  I found this planner calendar in the Target $ bin and decided this would be perfect!  It is portable,  yet big enough for notes and to see it at one glance.
Using paper from a Recollections stack, I covered the planner using an ATG, added some ric-rack, ribbon, and buttons. I inked the edges with Holiday Red from Close to My Heart and used Glue Dots to attach the ribbon and button (the curly ribbon was wrapped around a 1/4 inch dowels using clothespins to fasten each ribbon end and was baked at 200 degrees for 20 minutes).  Using Cricut Craft Room, I cut some vinyl out from using the Storybook font. Then I added it to the planner using transfer tape.  The colors of the planner match my craft room and I am thrilled I am starting out the New Year already getting a handle on organizing my busy life.



As many of you know I am a designer for the fantastic manufacture GLOBECRAFT & PICCOLO.  I LOVE their products and one of my favorite products to work with is their sparkle glitter coupled with their adhesive/finishing glaze Glastique that rivals Mod Podge.  What is up for grabs is a bundle set of the Pure Sparkle Silver Glitter, 1 oz. Glastique Matte  and a pretty vintage book board images!  All you have to do is be a  follower of my blog,  leave a comment and LIKE me HERE on Facebook!  Winners will be announced on Friday! Please be sure I have a way to contact you or your prize will be up for grabs to another lucky crawler! 
Thanks for sharing a piece of “getting organized with some fun bling for free” pie with me!

Now Let’s Get Back To Crawling Along!

Here’s the Line Up

Missy –
Tammy –
Connie – 
Jamie –
Brianna –
Cicily –  NEXT UP!  
Cyndy –
Diana – 
Nikki –
Susie –
Janea –